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Monday, March 9, 2015

Health Benefits of Yoga

Health Benefits of Yoga

We all know that exercise is good for us. Some are good for building strength and muscles, others are better for your heart, etc. There are few fitness programs that offer broad scope health benefits and yoga is one of them.

#1 Yoga Helps Your Mobility and Flexibility

As you age your body begins to lose some of its mobility. Your muscles can become short and tight. Your tendons can stiffen and your joints may often feel sore. When this happens, simple day-to-day movements can become painful or difficult. You may not be able to touch your toes. I know I've noticed a difference since hitting my 50's with getting up in the morning all slow and stiff, needing to warm up the joints and muscles to enjoy the day!

When you walk long distances you may notice that your back aches. And if you try to reach over your head to put something away you may feel pain in your neck or shoulders. This is due to a lack of mobility.

Yoga can improve your mobility, meaning it can help lengthen those tight muscles and tendons. It can give you a better range of motion so that when you move your body, you do it in the most efficient and effective way possible. Not only will you feel better, you'll stop having those awful aches and pains, or make them much more manageable with less (or better yet, no)pain pill usage.

#2 Strength

Yoga often requires you to hold a position for a long period of time. And in most cases you're supporting your full body weight. This requires you to build great strength. Most yoga positions recruit strength from your large muscle groups, your core muscles for example. As these muscles increase in strength you'll find it expands to other areas of your life. Your posture will improve. You will be stronger, physically, and thus able to lift and carry more than you used to. And you'll build muscle which burns fat and yo help you look and feel better.

#3 Reduced Stress

Yoga requires a few things that impact and reduce your stress level. The first stress-reducing component is breathing. Many yoga styles have a structured breathing protocol. When you focus on your breathing, it automatically lowers cortisol (a stress hormone) and it lowers your heart rate.

Additionally, yoga requires great focus. Some poses not only ask you to hold your body in a balanced position, they also ask you to pay attention to your body and make slight adjustments to improve the pose. You're looking inward and focusing solely on your body and the very moment you're in. This focus reduces stress. It can go hand in had with meditation and can benefit you body, mind and soul.

There are numerous other yoga health benefits: improved breathing, better posture, and weight loss and many more. I know I started with yoga many years ago to help me with back muscle spasm recovery. I wasn't finding successful recovery from doctors, chiropractors or physical therapists, so someone suggested I try yoga to see if it would help me. Since I had been undergoing 'treatment' for several years without much improvement, I decided it was worth a shot. I have never regretted that day.
I just started slow and built up strength and flexibility one move at a time and found yoga to be my 'go to' whenever I have new aches and pains pop up. With proper breathing, paying attention to my body's cues on what is helping, I am usually able to manage any issues before resorting to going to a doctor!

There are more health benefits than what is listed above. Would love to see your comments on how yoga has helped you.

Sending out much peace and love...


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